My Favourite Healthy Blueberry Pancake Stack Recipe

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These pancakes have always been a breakfast favourite of mine and what better day to share with you the recipe other than Pancake Day!? If you're wanting to know how I make a healthy and tasty alternative then continue reading below ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿฝ

 What You'll Need
1 Egg ๐Ÿณ
1 Ripe Banana ๐ŸŒ 
3 Large Tablespoons of Oats
1 Handful of Blueberries (Fresh or Frozen)
1/2 Teaspoon of Cinnamon (Optional)

1) Crack the egg, break up the banana and add the oats into the blender! If you want to add in some cinnamon to jazz it up a bit than half a teaspoon will do the trick

2) Wizz up the ingredients until your left with a thick batter. You want this mixture to be a lot thicker than any normal pancake batter as it will cook better once in the pan!

3) When the consistency is gloopy and thick, pour in a tablespoon amount into a hot frying - I use a teaspoon of coconut oil so the pancakes don't stick 

4) Once batter has been poured scatter a few blueberries before flipping 

5) When bubbles occur around the edge of the pancake, flip it over to reveal a golden brown colour on one side

6) Repeat these steps until you have no pancake batter left! 

I did add a few blackberries this time, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries all work well :) 

I normally add some fresh fruit and either eat them with natural yoghurt and agave honey or just maple syrup. Hope you've enjoyed this recipe for a healthy alternative to pancakes! - Happy Pancake Day ๐Ÿ’–

Sian xo 

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