What's in my holiday make-up bag?

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These are 4 products that I will be taking with me on my sunny travels to Ibiza on Sunday! Out of all the amazing S&G products I have been lucky enough to receive these 4 are my favourite for summer and times spent in the sunshine. 

Read my previous post where I review Glow Job. Its deffo one everyone needs to take on holiday! I love wearing no makeup and this gives me a sun kissed look without the cakey feeling of foundation. 
Solar Powder is a sparkly bronzing blush which when paired with S&G's highlighting stick it will give you a natural glow when your face is all tanned! 

Not to forget, everyone needs a bright coloured lippy on holiday and this coral colour is perfect! 

*Supported by Soap & Glory*


My Highlight Of The Year With S&G

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If you didn't already know Soap & Glory have 3 amazing highlighting sticks! They come in three different colours and all are totally different and can be used in so many different ways. 

Love At First Blush 
- This is a cute pink highlighter and the colour really pops when you put it on your cheeks! I would wear this highlighter as more of a blusher and apply lightly on on the apples of my cheeks

- This is the highlighter for summer! With a tan this will give you an amazing bronzed glow. I'll be deffo taking this on holiday with me. TIP! Use this highlighter as a boozing stick on your body to give you GLOW. I'll be wearing this on my collar bones, legs and chest (basically my whole body) 

Glow All Out 
- I have been using this highlighter as a base for my powder highlighters and its fab! Really nice subtle colour that blends so well into your foundation

*This blog is supported by Soap & Glory but all views are my own*


Festival Look!

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I recently finished my 2nd year at Bournemouth University and to celebrate I went to SUBU Summer Ball - It's an event hosted by the university and students attend in fancy dress! I wanted to wear as much glitter and possible so dressing up as a fairy seemed the only option! Here is how I did my make-up and my hair. Obviously this look doesn't just have to be for fancy dress, its deffo just more of festival look, please keep reading to see how you could re-create this look :-) 


I've always wanted to try out 'space buns' as they are such a cute look! I decided to wear my hair half-up half-down and I used straighteners to curl the bottoms of my hair, here is a step-by-step on how I achieved this hair style! 

1- Separate top of hair into middle parting
2- Spilt into two equal halves and tie into pig tails with hair elastic 
3- Backcomb these sections until they look crazy big! 
4- Tie section of hair around until you create that bun shape 
5- Pin with hair slides 

I then used straighter to curl the ends of my hair and hairsprayed it all together! To look extra glittery I used glitter hairy spray and glitter hair gel in my parting which was bought from PRIMARK


All my face gems were from an 80p pack from Primark which is amazzzeee. They come in different sizes so look really cool when you want to fade them above your eyebrow or just anywhere on your face. I had simple eyeshaddow on (I used my Too Faced Sweet Peach palette) and then glitter from Ebay just under my eyes. I really liked this look and it was so easy to do! 

Body glitter 

When it comes to body glitter I deffo prefer chunky glitter and I found the perfect glitter for that look. Gypsy Shrine do amazing glitters in so many colours and they are perfect for face & body, check out their website if you're looking for that perfect festival glitter! 

*supported by Soap & Glory but all views are my own*


My favourite Soap & Glory cosmetic

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I've enjoyed every part of working with Soap & Glory this year and I have loved trying out and blogging about so many products! From trying out such a variety of products I thought it would be good for me to share with you all my number 1 S&G product everrrrr. 

This is a product I wouldn't have purchased normally or one that I would've ever thought about trying which is the main reason why I want to spread the word! With summer coming up fast and summer holidays approaching this product will follow me wherever I go. 

Glow Job 
So my favourite product ever is S&G's Glow Job! This is a tinted face moisturiser and an instant wash off self-tanner.  The moisturiser  has small micro-bronzerburst beads that 'pop' when you massage them into your face. I see an instant difference when I use the product and love using it as a substitute to my foundation! This will definitely be my number one product to use on holiday. The moisturiser isn't heavy or at all cakey so it literally feels like you're wearing nothing but you're skin will be glowy and naturally sunkissed which is amazzzzing! 

If you haven't already got this product you are missing out! Its a summer time saviour and is a deffo must have, get buying girls only £11! Click here for a direct link. 


Top tips for dewy looking skin!

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1 -Cleanse and wash face

I use S&G's The Greatest Scrub of All, its an exfoliating scrub that polishes your face so you look instantly radiant! I apply this with Soap & Glory's face mitt and it leaves my face feeling super soft, hydrated and clean! 

2- Moisturise

For a natural glow you have to keep your face hydrated and of course if you've read my previous post I use Speed Plump as my go-to moisturiser!

3- Hocus Focus

Before applying foundation and after moisturiser I use a pea size drop of Hocus Focus, it really is the secret for dewy skin! This product is an illuminator so I use this as you would a strobe cream and it works a treat. 

4 -Mac's Prep & Prime Oil 

A few drops of this in your foundation really does make a difference! It also smells so good and natural. 

Hope these tips have helped you achieve that glow! 

Sian xo 

(Supported by Soap & Glory but all views remain my own) 

Holiday Hacks!

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With holiday season quickly approaching heres few of my go-to beauty hacks I use in hot weather! 

No.1 Sit Tight firming serum! - I use this product before going on holiday, although it says use everyday I have been applying this on and off as I always seem to forget or am in a rush and don't have time to use it before I go out! But this serum aims to firm up and smooth out your skin. I love this product, I wasn't expecting to see amazing results from this serum alone, because obviously going to the gym and regularly eating well is what it takes to achieve a cellulite free, healthy, toned bod! BUT... This serum have smoothed out my skin, I love that you can feel this product work instantly!

No.2  I want super smooth and soft skin and to get this on my legs I shave with baby oil. This keeps all the moisture in and the razor glides onto your skin getting rid of them nasty hairs, its a win win. It also help irritation so after a day in the sun this hack is great!

No.3 Dry Shampoo at night - This ensures you will wake up with extra clean feeling and smelling hair as the dry shampoo absorbs any excess oil and sweat. I'm using Soap & Glory's new dry shampoo The Rushower and it is AMAZING. Not only does it smell so so good but it doesn't leave my hair feeling thick and dusty like other dry shampoo's its a must have product!

No.4 Super soft lips - Days spent in the hot sun can leave your lips feeling a little drier than normal so when I'm on holiday I make sure I have a lip balm by my side. It's good to have one with SPF in it so your lips don't have any chance in blistering up as that would be reallllllly painful. If you're lips get chapped then a tip is to use a damp toothbrush and just brush over your lips gently to remove any dead skin. 

No.5 Burning! I'm sure nobody enjoys seeing that they resemble a lobster after a day sunbathing. BUT if you do burn then ensure you keep your after sun or aloe vera gel in the fridge whilst on holiday and you'll really want to thank your future self! 

Sian xo 

(This post is supported by Soap & Glory but all opinions are my own) 


REVIEW - Soap & Glory's Speed Plump

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Since receiving this product I've used it every single day. As a moisturiser its self is very light and thats what I want in a moisturiser I use in the morning, something too greasy and heavy never feels nice as a base to your foundation; which brings me onto my beauty hack! I use Speed Plump as a primer to my foundation as its super soft it allows my makeup to go on much smoother. Speed Plump combats all dry and dehydrated skin and does exactly what it says on the tin - my skin feels instantly more plump and fresh after every pea sized drop! 

Stay tuned for some more beauty hacks

Sian xo 


REVIEW - The Mighty Contourer

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Back to regular blogging again, over the next few weeks I'll be sharing all my beauty tips and hacks so stay tuned! In this post I am reviewing Soap & Glory's Mighty Contourer, keep reading to see what I think! 

Soap & Glory's The Mighty Contourer is a must if you're looking for a compact, affordable contouring shades all in on place. I think this product is perfect for beginners or for people who don't normally contour but would like to give it a go! This product is only £12 in Boots stores and online; which in  my eyes is great for 3 creamy shades. 

The Contour 

This shade is the biggest out of the three and like all the shades in this compact - its really creamy! I use the lighter shade compact "Fair's Fair" and place this shade on my forehead, under my cheek bones and on my jawline. Doing this really defines your face and gives you that subtle contour look. The product comes with a little booklet on how to use each shade and where, which is why I think this product is perfect for first time contourers! 

Highlight and Blush 

The lighter shade I use under my eyes, the bridge of my nose, forehead and my chin. This creamy light shade is similar to S&G's creamy concealers so I love it, Make sure to set under your eyes with a powder - S&G Kick Ass translucent powder does the job! This ensures your make up won't crease and is set in place of you to go about your day without worrying your make-up is melting off. As for the creamy blusher - I don't really use cream blushes and personally am not really fan, however, this shade is very subtle so place this on the apples of your cheeks for a pink glow! Also, if you're like me and aren't a fan of creamy blushers then use this shade on your lips instead - its really smooth and glides on just like lipstick and gives your lips a perfect pink stain throughout the day. 

Be sure to grab one of these handy little contouring compacts at you local Boots stores or online! - get a free gift when you spend £14 or more on S&G products.

Sian xo


What the PUCK is happening at BU?!

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Hi everyone - I've had a little break from blogging over Easter and I'll be posting as usual within the up and coming weeks!! But first, I have some exciting news for Bournemouth Uni students...

The Soaper Squad is back at Bu on Friday May 5th to host an event: "Where the Puck is he?" Grab your pals and head down to the university campus next Friday for a fun filled PUCK hunt. 

There will be lots of S&G's iconic pink ducks hidden all over the university's campus and all you need to do once you've found one is:

1) Take a picture - upload it to Instagram or Twitter

2) Hashtag... #WhereThePuck

3) Make sure you're not on private so I can see your pic and tell you our location for you to collect your prize!

Add Soap & Glory on Snapchat in the mean time to see the other Puck Hunts: soapandgloryuk

Join our Facebook event here to stay up-to-date with the day!

*supported by Soap & Glory - pictures from Soap & Glory UK Instagram*

Easter Favourites!

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I'm doing something a little different with today's blog post; with everything being Easter themed at the mo I've asked two of my bessies to share with you some of their favourite S&G products and overall Easter favs! Please keep reading below ๐Ÿ‘‡

Mel - 'The Makeup Guru' 

Whats your favourite S&G product? 
I'd say that my favourite Soap&Glory product of all time is the Solar Powder bronzer because it's such a gorgeous powder and looks great on fairer skin tones like myself, easter is just around the corner which means spring and summer are on their way too and so you can't go without a bit of bronzer to make your make up look summery and golden.

Soap & Glory Solar Powder - £11.00

What would you say your 'March Favourite' beauty product is? 
My current obsession has to be the new Anastasia Beverly Hills Glow Kit in collaboration with the popular youtube blogger Nicole Guerriero. I couldn't resist picking this up when it came out, it's an absolutely stunning kit of 6 gorgeous highlighters for that perfect glow. Personally, I love to go all out with highlighter and glow to my hearts content and this product has been perfect.

*image from swatch & review.com* 
What is your favourite Easter treat?  
Easter is a great time of year, it means well earned time off from Uni and it means chocolate, a girls best friend! My favourite easter treat would have to be the Cadbury's cream eggs, I'm sure they're a bit like marmite, you either love em or hate em. I can't get enough, the minute they hit the shelves I'm there.

Instagram - melwisee

Sian - 'The Beauty Lover'

Whats your favourite S&G product? 
My favourite soap & Glory product has got to be the Smoothie Star Body Buttercream. I use it daily after exfoliating and it is the perfect cream to prepare my skin before tanning! Its super soft and smells good enough to eat (Vanilla is my all time favourite smell). 

Soap & Glory Smoothie Star Buttercream - £10.00

What would you say your 'March Favourite' beauty product is? 
I'd have to say my current favourite product has to be the Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette, it is easter after all and with easter comes chocolate, and lots of it. Who needs actual chocolate when you can open this palette and experience that incredible chocolatey smell without the calories. The colours are beautifully neutral meaning anyone could make this palette work for them. It's an all round incredible product.

Too Faced Chocolate Bar Pallette - £39.00 
*image from Emmas Beauty Cave*
What is your favourite Easter treat?  
The first thing that springs to mind when I think of Easter is the milk chocolate Lindt bunny. Lindt is my absolute favourite chocolate and I just look forward to having a cute gold wrapped bunny version every year! It is the best little Easter treat and the perfect gift. I also love the cute red ribbon and bell, me and my sister used to wear these in our hair when we were younger (haha!)

Instagram -siansmallman

Thanks for reading, hope everyone has a fab Easter ๐Ÿฐ  xo 

*supported by Soap & Glory but all views are my own*


REVIEW - Sexy Mother Pucker Lipsticks

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I've always wanted to try Soap & Glory's Sexy Mother Pucker Lipsticks and since trying them out I thought it would be great to review them and give you my thoughts! 

Firstly, for those that know me I rarely wear a lip colour that isn't a shade of nude haha. But I did try out the Pink and Red so that you can get a feel of the colour on the lip. I wish I wore a brighter coloured lip but personally just feel more comfortable wearing a nude lip and most of my make-up 'looks' suit a nude lip wayyyy more. Anyway, please carry on reading for the lipsticks reviews.


This lipstick is the perfect Barbie pink shade! If you're after a really girly lip colour then this one is for you. Its a Satin lipstick so the texture is really creamy and gives you a silky coating that is to die for! All the lipsticks in this review have hydra-boosting MOISTURE-WRAP™ technology. So they literally glide onto your lips and keep them feeling moisturised throughout the day. What more could you want from a lipstick?


I love the name of this lipstick colour 'Poppy Power' it suits the lipstick so well as the colour really is that perfect poppy shade of red! The packaging of these products are amazing, I love the detailing on the actual lipstick - they each have 'S&G' engraved into them which is super cute! Did I mention that these all smell of vanilla?

Super Nude 

Onto my favourite lipstick out of the three! Super Nude is a perfect nude shade for an everyday makeup look. I also love how you can build this lipstick up, it can be really subtle and natural looking and just used to add a bit of colour to your lip. But, also, you can build this colour up to the shade in this picture (a little more pressure is all it takes!) Im wearing MAC Spice lip liner with this lipstick and the combination of the two really is dreamy. Definitely adding this lipstick to my collection of Go-To's. 

Glide on some Sexy Mother Pucker Extreme Plump XL on top of any of these lipsticks and you'll have the best pout in town - honestly I'm addicted to this lipgloss its amazing and really does work on plumping up your lips! 

Hope you've enjoyed reading this review! Comment any thoughts below. 

Sian xo

*Disclamer: This blog is supported by Soap & Glory but all views are my own* 


Soap & Glory Eye Make-up Look! & Review

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When I received some Easter make-up treats from Soap & Glory I thought I'd show you all what are my favourites and how I use them in a day to day look! The products I'll be including are the Kick Into Neutral eyeshadow palette, Supercat eyeliner and the Thick Fast mascara. 

I've been using Soap & Glory's Supercat eyeliner for years (no lie). I've always preferred using the 'felt tip' eyeliner rather than gel eyeliners as personally I find them easier to apply. And I really do rave about this eyeliner, its honestly the best I've tried for the price it really is amazing (£6 BARGIN) The tip is really sharp so its easy to to be precise. Not everyday do I wear eyeliner but when I do I normally have a winged look! If you're not confident using eyeliner or find it difficult to achieve that perfect wing then is is the perfect eyeliner to start with - I love it! 

I don't wear eyeshadow every day but when I feel like spending a little more time on my make-up it completes the look. This palette is really pretty and can be used for both everyday and 'going out' make-up looks! My favourite colours are Cuddly Bear and Fairy Light - how cute are these names btw?!! I used Fairy Light all over my lid and added Cuddly Bear into the crease to give my eyes some depth. Its a really simple look and for some extra shimmery sparkle I added Pink-a-Little onto the middle of lid. 

Finally the Thick Fast mascara! I always wear mascara and I'm quite picky on the ones I use - they can't be clumpy or look too thick as with an everyday look I prefer something that looks a little more natural. This mascara does the trick I really liked the application and loved how it didn't clump any of my lashes together. 

Scroll down to see the finished look using all these products and keep and eye on my blog for a review on the lipstick I am wearing in the picture! ๐Ÿ’–

Thanks for reading, please comment/like/share 

Sian xo


Happy International Women's Day! #BeBoldForChange

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Since 1911 International Women's Day has been celebrated across the world. The 8th of March has become a date to celebrate how far women have come in society, in politics and in economics. Around the world women on this day are striking and protesting to continue to raise awareness of continued inequality. 

This year we are technically celebrating the 106th International Women's Day and this years theme is something I admire:  #BeBoldForChange 

What I love about this years theme is that it can be interpreted in so many different angles and ways. Wether it is applied to politics, society - it carries such a positive message to women all around the world. This post is going to focus on how to stay positive and how to just do you without having a care in the world! 

Like it or not, within todays society Social Media is becoming a large part of its users lives. Although a lover and user of Social Media myself, I do understand the underlying problems and concerns of Apps like, Instagram.

I love using Instagram don't get me wrong, its probably my most used app - overtaking Twitter and Facebook! Looking and liking images on Instagram is so easy to do and its a great way to promote and see things with such ease! However, Instagram is making it extremely easy for women everyday to see the 'Perfect Woman' and this 'Perfect Woman' is in all honesty unrealistic. Too many women are comparing themselves to airbrushed images of supermodels, The Kardashians, the list is endless. The thing to remember is that people only share on Instagram what they want you to see; many aspects of their life that are maybe a little more NORMAL are not posted for the world to see. Images of these women rolling out of bed, feeling ill (and not particularly looking or felling their best), cooking dinner, going for a run (FOR REAL) - these are just a few aspects that aren't realistically portrayed to women across the world. 

The problem with this is that more and more women of today are becoming self conscious and having a much lower self esteem. A recent NHS survey found that 26% of women aged 16-24 reported symptoms of mental health symptoms such as anxiety and depression, making them the group with the highest risk for mental health problems. People have to start realising that what they see/read can have an impact on their lives whether they like to believe so or not! 

I didn't put these images to shame these women or to carry any negative image at all! Infact I just wanted to show the amount of effort that people do put into to an image that is posted to the whole world - there is nothing wrong with Kendall Jenner having imperfections or a few pimples its NORMAL! But its important remember is everybody has imperfections or the odd spot here or there, just Instagram enables people to show what they want and hide what they don't. 

Although I feel pretty confident within my own skin there are days when I scroll through Instagram and stumble across pages and pages of beautiful, tanned skinned, toned women and look at myself and just think YUCK! Which is just totally stupid! Everybody is different and thats the beauty of it isn't it?! Everybody has a different way of showing their personalities and who they are; whether you do that through what you wear, your appearance, a hair colour or through something else! It doesn't matter the thing to remember here is to just embrace who you are and stop COMPARING! 

"Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It's about knowing and accepting who you are." - Ellen DeGeneres

Now I don't want to sound like some preaching feminist in this post at all, but I just want to give out a positive message that sometimes its ok not to feel your best or to feel a little down in the dumps but the important thing to remember is that you are you and no-one can take that away from you ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. If you haven't seen it already click on this link to a blog written by a fellow Glambassador - all about self love and embracing who you are - I loved reading this and it was such a REAL post that took a lot of courage and shares such a positive message. 

Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ’– #BeBoldForChange

Sian xo


My Favourite Healthy Blueberry Pancake Stack Recipe

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These pancakes have always been a breakfast favourite of mine and what better day to share with you the recipe other than Pancake Day!? If you're wanting to know how I make a healthy and tasty alternative then continue reading below ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿฝ

 What You'll Need
1 Egg ๐Ÿณ
1 Ripe Banana ๐ŸŒ 
3 Large Tablespoons of Oats
1 Handful of Blueberries (Fresh or Frozen)
1/2 Teaspoon of Cinnamon (Optional)

1) Crack the egg, break up the banana and add the oats into the blender! If you want to add in some cinnamon to jazz it up a bit than half a teaspoon will do the trick

2) Wizz up the ingredients until your left with a thick batter. You want this mixture to be a lot thicker than any normal pancake batter as it will cook better once in the pan!

3) When the consistency is gloopy and thick, pour in a tablespoon amount into a hot frying - I use a teaspoon of coconut oil so the pancakes don't stick 

4) Once batter has been poured scatter a few blueberries before flipping 

5) When bubbles occur around the edge of the pancake, flip it over to reveal a golden brown colour on one side

6) Repeat these steps until you have no pancake batter left! 

I did add a few blackberries this time, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries all work well :) 

I normally add some fresh fruit and either eat them with natural yoghurt and agave honey or just maple syrup. Hope you've enjoyed this recipe for a healthy alternative to pancakes! - Happy Pancake Day ๐Ÿ’–

Sian xo 

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