What's in my holiday make-up bag?

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These are 4 products that I will be taking with me on my sunny travels to Ibiza on Sunday! Out of all the amazing S&G products I have been lucky enough to receive these 4 are my favourite for summer and times spent in the sunshine. 

Read my previous post where I review Glow Job. Its deffo one everyone needs to take on holiday! I love wearing no makeup and this gives me a sun kissed look without the cakey feeling of foundation. 
Solar Powder is a sparkly bronzing blush which when paired with S&G's highlighting stick it will give you a natural glow when your face is all tanned! 

Not to forget, everyone needs a bright coloured lippy on holiday and this coral colour is perfect! 

*Supported by Soap & Glory*


My Highlight Of The Year With S&G

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If you didn't already know Soap & Glory have 3 amazing highlighting sticks! They come in three different colours and all are totally different and can be used in so many different ways. 

Love At First Blush 
- This is a cute pink highlighter and the colour really pops when you put it on your cheeks! I would wear this highlighter as more of a blusher and apply lightly on on the apples of my cheeks

- This is the highlighter for summer! With a tan this will give you an amazing bronzed glow. I'll be deffo taking this on holiday with me. TIP! Use this highlighter as a boozing stick on your body to give you GLOW. I'll be wearing this on my collar bones, legs and chest (basically my whole body) 

Glow All Out 
- I have been using this highlighter as a base for my powder highlighters and its fab! Really nice subtle colour that blends so well into your foundation

*This blog is supported by Soap & Glory but all views are my own*


Festival Look!

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I recently finished my 2nd year at Bournemouth University and to celebrate I went to SUBU Summer Ball - It's an event hosted by the university and students attend in fancy dress! I wanted to wear as much glitter and possible so dressing up as a fairy seemed the only option! Here is how I did my make-up and my hair. Obviously this look doesn't just have to be for fancy dress, its deffo just more of festival look, please keep reading to see how you could re-create this look :-) 


I've always wanted to try out 'space buns' as they are such a cute look! I decided to wear my hair half-up half-down and I used straighteners to curl the bottoms of my hair, here is a step-by-step on how I achieved this hair style! 

1- Separate top of hair into middle parting
2- Spilt into two equal halves and tie into pig tails with hair elastic 
3- Backcomb these sections until they look crazy big! 
4- Tie section of hair around until you create that bun shape 
5- Pin with hair slides 

I then used straighter to curl the ends of my hair and hairsprayed it all together! To look extra glittery I used glitter hairy spray and glitter hair gel in my parting which was bought from PRIMARK


All my face gems were from an 80p pack from Primark which is amazzzeee. They come in different sizes so look really cool when you want to fade them above your eyebrow or just anywhere on your face. I had simple eyeshaddow on (I used my Too Faced Sweet Peach palette) and then glitter from Ebay just under my eyes. I really liked this look and it was so easy to do! 

Body glitter 

When it comes to body glitter I deffo prefer chunky glitter and I found the perfect glitter for that look. Gypsy Shrine do amazing glitters in so many colours and they are perfect for face & body, check out their website if you're looking for that perfect festival glitter! 

*supported by Soap & Glory but all views are my own*


My favourite Soap & Glory cosmetic

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I've enjoyed every part of working with Soap & Glory this year and I have loved trying out and blogging about so many products! From trying out such a variety of products I thought it would be good for me to share with you all my number 1 S&G product everrrrr. 

This is a product I wouldn't have purchased normally or one that I would've ever thought about trying which is the main reason why I want to spread the word! With summer coming up fast and summer holidays approaching this product will follow me wherever I go. 

Glow Job 
So my favourite product ever is S&G's Glow Job! This is a tinted face moisturiser and an instant wash off self-tanner.  The moisturiser  has small micro-bronzerburst beads that 'pop' when you massage them into your face. I see an instant difference when I use the product and love using it as a substitute to my foundation! This will definitely be my number one product to use on holiday. The moisturiser isn't heavy or at all cakey so it literally feels like you're wearing nothing but you're skin will be glowy and naturally sunkissed which is amazzzzing! 

If you haven't already got this product you are missing out! Its a summer time saviour and is a deffo must have, get buying girls only £11! Click here for a direct link. 

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